Introduction post

Hi there! My name is Jasim and now I am going to tell you why I choose DMU.

                                          (Book your place for a great month of events at DMU, 2022)

My course is Computing. 

For me, the decision to go to university was not as easy as a lot of my friends and most of them had a clear roadmap in their heads for their educational path they knew what they wanted to study and exactly where they wanted to go as well upon results day and I got my exam results I did not know for sure where I wanted to go I then went on a few open days and this is where DMU really caught my attention I loved the campus the staff and other students were really really friendly whole culture just attracted me greatly not only is DMU situated on a beautiful campus in the heart of a brilliant student city in Leicester but it is also got a fantastic atmosphere in terms of people that are studying there the wider community in Leicestershire.

Thanks a lot for your attention!

Reference list: 2022. Book your place for a great month of events at DMU. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 9 May 2022].
