
Showing posts from May, 2022

Major project theme

  Malware Defined                                                                  (What is Malware?, 2022)        Malware is the collective name for a number of malicious software variants, including viruses,  ransomware  and spyware. Shorthand for malicious software, malware typically consists of code developed by cyberattackers, designed to cause extensive damage to data and systems or to gain unauthorized access to a network. Malware is typically delivered in the form of a link or file over email and requires the user to click on the link or open the file to execute the malware. Malware has actually been a threat to individuals and organizations since the early 1970s when the Creeper virus first appeared. Since then, the world has been under attack from hundreds of thousands of different malware variants, all with the intent of causing the most disruption and damage as possible. What Can Malware Do? Malware delivers its payload in a number of different ways. From demanding a ranso

Computer ethics

                                                                                      (2022) Ethics are a structure of standards and practices that influence how people lead their lives.  It is not strictly implemented to follow these ethics, but it is basically for the benefit of everyone that we do. Ethics are unlike laws that legally mandate what is right or wrong.  Ethics illustrate society’s views about what is right and what is wrong. Computer ethics  are a set of moral standards that govern the use of computers.  It is society’s views about the use of computers, both hardware and software.  Privacy concerns, intellectual property rights and effects on society are some of the common issues of computer ethics. (Computer Ethics | Ethics, Laws, Definition & Privacy, 2022) Privacy Concerns Hacking  – is unlawful intrusion into a computer or a network. A hacker can intrude through the security levels of a computer system or network and can acquire unauthorised access to other comp

Initial project plan (Gantt chart)


Research essay (conclusion)

Finally, to secure health organizations from cyber-attacks, they first need to identify the areas that are most vulnerable to assault. Afterwards, they can make basic adjustments like requiring staff to reset their passwords periodically or implementing automated processes that log out of machines after a predetermined amount of time. Another way hospitals and clinical offices can guard against computer hackers is by educating the people who use computers or even other equipment to record patient information. information. For the most part, internet users don't realize that their computers are at risk of data breaches and other cyber-attacks when they browse websites, open email attachments, or even click on links in emails they didn't ask for. Security patch management requires that apps are updated regularly in order to protect software applications, make sure apps that are used have a valid license, and use a loop gateway which defends the safety of the local network by tryi

Research essay (main body)

Since electronic health records are replacing paper ones, hospitals and other healthcare centres are more vulnerable to cyber-attacks. This is because digital health records aren't adequately secured and protected. Maintaining patient privacy has proven to be a significant challenge for many medical facilities since the switch from paper to electronic records. WannaCry ransom assault in May 2017 awoke a call for health groups around the globe and gave these institutions suggestions on how to fix their protection. Malware known as ransomware prevents you from using or viewing files on your computer until you pay a blackmail fee. Cyberattacks aren't limited to malware; they can arrive in a variety of ways.   An ethical hacker happens when an organization or a third party causes damage to a system or steals data, and it's one of three key dangers that healthcare facilities face. Medical institutions are also vulnerable to user access intrusions, often known as body robberi

Research essay (introduction)

  The economic impact of the Theft study for 2019 indicates that the price of theft in the United Kingdom is somewhere between $130 billion and $190 billion per year. It is reported by the National Statistics (ONS) that people are much more probable than any other criminal activity to become a victim of identity theft or cybercrime Cybersecurity in the cyber world is a rapidly expanding field with a single goal: safeguarding sensitive data from the likes of hard drive failures, power outages, and other outsiders. Keeping up with the security of digital health data through cybersecurity is essential in healthcare to conform with the Healthcare Coverage Protection and Availability Act (HIPAA) and prevent potentially serious repercussions. Cyber dangers in the healthcare industry include insider threats, user access failures and networking breaches, as well as malware. Despite these dangers, medical facilities have methods for protecting patient data and aren't wholly helpless.

Introduction post

Hi there! My name is Jasim and now I am going to tell you why I choose DMU.                                           (Book your place for a great month of events at DMU, 2022) My course is Computing.  For me, the decision to go to university was not as easy as a lot of my friends and most of them had a clear roadmap in their heads for their educational path they knew what they wanted to study and exactly where they wanted to go as well upon results day and I got my exam results I did not know for sure where I wanted to go I then went on a few open days and this is where DMU really caught my attention I loved the campus the staff and other students were really really friendly whole culture just attracted me greatly not only is DMU situated on a beautiful campus in the heart of a brilliant student city in Leicester but it is also got a fantastic atmosphere in terms of people that are studying there the wider community in Leicestershire. Thanks a lot for your attention! Reference list: D

Welcome message

                                                                                  (Us et al., 2022)                                       Welcome to my blog! My name is Jasim and I am from Uzbekistan. Currently, I am a student at DMUIC which is located in the UK. I interested in Computer Science since my childhood, I always wondered how all programs are created and how they are working.  I have a huge interest in video games and also Cyber Security.  That is why I choose DMU which is famous in Computer Science.                              THANKS FOR YOUR ATTENTION TO MY BLOG! Reference list: Us, C., Greet, S., Times, S., New?, A., Parking, D., Care, C., School, S., Us, A., Chapel, B., Facilities, R., Leadership, C., Ministry, C., News, C., School, K., Care, C., Sanctuaries, S., Blast, S., School, V., Ministry, Y., Education, A., Preschool, W., Outreach, M., 2022, W., Compassion, C., Choirs, C., Online, W., Collaboration, W., Gathering, N., Pledge!, M., Pledging, Q., Gifting, P., With